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    Saudi Arabia Chiefs of State - 2002
      King Saud, FAHD, bin Abd al-Aziz Al
      Prime Minister Saud, FAHD, bin Abd al-Aziz Al
      First Dep. Prime Min. Saud, ABDALLAH, bin Abd al-Aziz Al
      Second Dep. Prime Min. Saud, SULTAN, bin Abd al-Aziz Al
      Min. of Agriculture & Water Muammar, Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz al-
      Min. of Civil Service Fayiz, Muhammad bin Ali
      Min. of Commerce Faqih, Usama Jafar
      Min. of Communications Salum, Nasir bin Muhammad al-, Dr.
      Min. of Defense & Aviation Saud, SULTAN, bin Abd al-Aziz Al
      Min. of Education Rashid, Muhammad Ahmad al-
      Min. of Finance & National Economy Asaf, Ibrahim Abd al-Aziz al-
      Min. of Foreign Affairs Saud, SAUD al-FAYSAL, bin Abd al-Aziz Al
      Min. of Health Shubukshi, Usama bin Abd al-Majid, Dr.
      Min. of Higher Education Angari, Khalid bin Muhammad al-
      Min. of Industry & Electricity Yamani, Hashim bin Abdallah bin Hashim
      Min. of Information Farsi, Fuad Abd al-Salam, Dr.
      Min. of Interior Saud, NAYIF, bin Abd al-Aziz Al
      Min. of Islamic Guidance Shaykh, Salih bin Abd al-Aziz bin Muhammad bin Ibrahim
      Min. of Justice Shaykh, Abdallah Muhammad Ibrahim Al al-
      Min. of Labor & Social Affairs Namla, Ali bin Ibrahim
      Min. of Municipal & Rural Affairs Jarallah, Muhammad bin Ibrahim al-
      Min. of Petroleum & Mineral Resources Naimi, Ali Ibrahim
      Min. of Pilgrimage Affairs & Religious Trusts Madani, Iyyad bin Amin
      Min. of Planning Ghusaybi, Khalid bin Muhammad
      Min. of Post, Telephone, & Telegraph Ghusaybi, Khalid bin Muhammad
      Min. of Public Works & Housing Saud, MITIB, bin Abd al-Aziz Al
      Min. of Water Qusaybi, Ghazi bin Abd al-Rahman al-
      Min. of State Alaqi, Madani bin Abd al-Qadir al-
      Min. of State Assaf, Ibrahim bin Muhammad al-, Dr.
      Min. of State Ayban, Musaid bin Muhammad al-
      Min. of State Jihani, Ali bin Talal al-, Dr.
      Min. of State Khuwaytir, Abd al-Aziz bin Abdallah al-
      Min. of State Mani, Abd al-Aziz bin Ibrahim al-
      Min. of State Nafisa, Mutalib bin Abdallah al-
      Min. of State Saud, ABD AL-AZIZ, bin Fahd bin Abd al-Aziz Al
      Min. of State Shaykh, Muhammad bin Abd al-Aziz al-
      Pres. of the Higher Council of Ulema Shaykh, Abd al-Aziz Abdallah al-
      Governor, Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency Sayyari, Hamad al-
      Ambassador to the US Saud, BANDAR, bin Sultan bin Abd al-Aziz Al
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Shubukshi, Fawzi bin Abd al-Majid al-

      NOTE: The information regarding Saudi Arabia on this page is re-published from the 2002 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Saudi Arabia Gov. Leaders 2002 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Saudi Arabia Gov. Leaders 2002 should be addressed to the CIA.

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